The Art of Augury in Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Photo Raven, Tarot cards

Augury is a divination spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5e that allows players to seek guidance from higher powers to help them make decisions. The spell provides the players with a glimpse into the future, allowing them to gain insight into the potential outcomes of a specific course of action. This can be incredibly useful for players who are faced with difficult choices and need some guidance to make the best decision for their characters.

The spell itself is a 2nd-level divination spell that can be cast by clerics and druids. It requires a casting time of just 1 minute and provides the players with a simple yet powerful method of seeking guidance. By casting augury, players can ask a specific question about a course of action they plan to take within the next 30 minutes. The spell then provides them with one of four possible outcomes: Weal (good results), Woe (bad results), Weal and Woe (both good and bad results), or Nothing (no clear result). This allows players to weigh the potential risks and rewards of their actions before making a decision, adding an element of strategy and foresight to their gameplay.

Key Takeaways

  • Augury in D&D 5e is a divination spell that allows players to receive guidance about a specific course of action.
  • The history of Augury in D&D 5e dates back to the earliest editions of the game, where it has been a staple of the cleric class.
  • To perform Augury in D&D 5e, a player must cast the spell using a set of marked sticks, bones, or similar tokens to receive a yes or no answer from their deity or otherworldly entity.
  • Interpreting the results of Augury involves careful consideration of the potential outcomes and their implications for the player’s decision.
  • Augury plays a crucial role in D&D 5e campaigns by providing players with valuable insight and guidance for their characters’ actions and decisions.
  • Augury can add depth to roleplaying in D&D 5e by allowing players to explore their characters’ beliefs and relationships with their deities or other sources of guidance.
  • Tips for using Augury effectively in D&D 5e include carefully framing the question, considering the potential outcomes, and discussing the results with the Dungeon Master to ensure a meaningful and impactful experience.

The History of Augury in D&D 5e

The concept of augury has a long history in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, dating back to the earliest editions of the game. In the original D&D, augury was a spell that allowed players to seek guidance from the gods or other higher powers to help them make important decisions. Over the years, the spell has evolved and been refined, but its core purpose has remained the same: to provide players with insight into the potential outcomes of their actions.

In D&D 5e, augury has become an integral part of the game, offering players a valuable tool for making strategic decisions and adding depth to their roleplaying experience. The spell reflects the importance of divination and foresight in the world of D&D, where characters often face difficult choices and must rely on their wits and intuition to navigate dangerous and unpredictable situations. Augury allows players to tap into this aspect of the game, giving them a means of seeking guidance and making informed decisions based on the potential outcomes of their actions.

How to Perform Augury in D&D 5e

Performing augury in D&D 5e is a relatively straightforward process that requires a character to have access to the spell and be able to cast it. The spell itself has a range of self, meaning that the character casting it must be the one seeking guidance. To perform augury, the character must first focus on a specific course of action they plan to take within the next 30 minutes. This could be anything from opening a door to engaging in combat or making an important decision that could have significant consequences for their character or party.

Once the character has chosen their course of action, they must then cast the augury spell, which has a casting time of 1 minute. During this time, the character focuses on their question and seeks guidance from higher powers or divine entities. After casting the spell, the character will receive one of four possible outcomes: Weal (good results), Woe (bad results), Weal and Woe (both good and bad results), or Nothing (no clear result). This outcome will provide the character with valuable insight into the potential consequences of their chosen course of action, allowing them to make an informed decision based on the guidance they have received.

Interpreting the Results of Augury

Interpreting the results of augury in D&D 5e is an important part of using the spell effectively. Once a character has cast augury and received one of the four possible outcomes, they must carefully consider what this means for their chosen course of action. If they receive a result of Weal, this indicates that there are likely to be positive outcomes from their chosen course of action, making it a favorable decision. On the other hand, if they receive a result of Woe, this suggests that there are potential negative consequences to their chosen course of action, indicating that it may not be the best decision for their character or party.

If the character receives a result of Weal and Woe, this indicates that there are both positive and negative outcomes associated with their chosen course of action. In this case, the character must carefully weigh the potential risks and rewards before making a decision. Finally, if the character receives a result of Nothing, this suggests that there is no clear guidance available on the potential outcomes of their chosen course of action. In this case, the character may need to rely on their own judgment and intuition to make a decision.

The Role of Augury in D&D 5e Campaigns

Augury plays a significant role in D&D 5e campaigns by providing players with a valuable tool for making strategic decisions and adding depth to their roleplaying experience. The spell allows characters to seek guidance from higher powers or divine entities, reflecting the importance of divination and foresight in the world of D&D. This adds an element of mystery and mysticism to the game, allowing players to tap into supernatural forces and gain insight into the potential outcomes of their actions.

In addition to its practical benefits, augury also adds an immersive and thematic element to D&D campaigns by allowing players to engage with the spiritual and supernatural aspects of the game world. This can help to create a sense of wonder and awe, as characters seek guidance from powerful entities and grapple with questions of fate and destiny. Augury also encourages players to think strategically and consider the potential consequences of their actions, adding depth and complexity to their decision-making process.

Augury and Roleplaying in D&D 5e

Augury can have a significant impact on roleplaying in D&D 5e by providing characters with a means of seeking guidance and making informed decisions based on supernatural insight. The spell allows players to engage with questions of fate and destiny, adding depth and complexity to their roleplaying experience. Characters who use augury may grapple with questions of morality, ethics, and personal agency as they seek guidance from higher powers and divine entities.

In addition, augury can also provide opportunities for characters to develop their personalities and beliefs as they interpret the results of the spell and make decisions based on the guidance they have received. Characters who receive conflicting or ambiguous results from augury may face internal conflicts as they struggle to make sense of the supernatural forces at play. This can lead to compelling roleplaying opportunities as characters wrestle with questions of faith, doubt, and uncertainty.

Tips for Using Augury Effectively in D&D 5e

When using augury in D&D 5e, there are several tips that can help players make the most of this powerful divination spell. First, it’s important for players to carefully consider their question before casting augury, ensuring that it is specific and directly related to a course of action they plan to take within the next 30 minutes. This will help ensure that they receive clear and relevant guidance from the spell.

Second, players should take the results of augury as one factor among many when making decisions, rather than relying solely on its guidance. While augury can provide valuable insight into potential outcomes, it is not infallible, and characters should use their own judgment and intuition when weighing the risks and rewards of their chosen course of action.

Finally, players should embrace the thematic and roleplaying opportunities that augury provides by engaging with questions of fate, destiny, and supernatural forces. This can add depth and complexity to their roleplaying experience, creating compelling narrative arcs and character development opportunities as they grapple with questions of faith, doubt, and uncertainty.

In conclusion, augury is a powerful divination spell in D&D 5e that provides players with a means of seeking guidance from higher powers or divine entities. The spell allows characters to gain insight into potential outcomes and make informed decisions based on supernatural foresight. Augury adds depth and complexity to D&D campaigns by encouraging strategic decision-making and engaging with questions of fate and destiny. It also has a significant impact on roleplaying by providing characters with opportunities for personal development and moral exploration. By following these tips for using augury effectively, players can make the most of this powerful divination spell and enhance their D&D 5e experience.

Discover the fascinating world of divination and prophecy in Dungeons & Dragons with the Augury 5e spell. This powerful spell allows players to gain insight into the outcomes of their actions, providing valuable guidance in the midst of uncertainty. If you’re interested in exploring more about divination and its role in D&D, check out this insightful article on the history and significance of augury in various cultures at Albigenses. Delve into the mystical art of augury and enhance your understanding of its impact on the game.


What is augury in D&D 5e?

Augury is a divination spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition that allows the caster to receive a cryptic message about a specific course of action that they plan to take within the next 30 minutes.

How does the augury spell work in D&D 5e?

When a character casts the augury spell, they must ask a specific question about a course of action they plan to take within the next 30 minutes. The spell then provides a cryptic message in the form of an omen or sign that indicates whether the action will bring good or bad results.

What are the components required to cast the augury spell in D&D 5e?

The components required to cast the augury spell in D&D 5e are verbal and somatic.

What level is the augury spell in D&D 5e?

The augury spell is a 2nd-level divination spell in D&D 5e.

Who can cast the augury spell in D&D 5e?

Characters who have access to the spellcasting feature and have the spell prepared can cast the augury spell in D&D 5e. This includes classes such as clerics and paladins.

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